Top 1200 Meaning Of Friendship Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Meaning Of Friendship quotes.
Last updated on October 26, 2024.
My films are always concerned with family, friendship, honor, and patriotism.
To give counsel, as well as to take it, is a feature of true friendship.
The absurdist is concerned with the search for meaning in the Universe. He believes this search to be meaningless--hence the disintegration of plot, character, and language in absurdist drama. Order is a falsehood that we, God, those who came before us, have imposed on a random universe. However, the absurdist is confronted with a curious paradox: though he believes the Universe to be meaningless, he cannot abandon the search for meaning--or he will die.
Friendship was given by nature to be an assistant to virtue, not a companion in vice. — © Marcus Tullius Cicero
Friendship was given by nature to be an assistant to virtue, not a companion in vice.
Pity and friendship are two passions incompatible with each other.
[My poems] of course, it's symbolic, in the way that things in a poem can be - that is, pointing to something beyond its mere ordinary meaning, while also retaining all the qualities of that ordinary meaning. In other words, it's a bear, but it's also suggesting something else, just by virtue of the attention to it. But it's not "symbolic" in that way we are taught to think about things in poems.
Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself.
The secret of the mountain is that the mountains simply exist, as I do myself: the mountains exist simply, which I do not. The mountains have no "meaning," they are meaning; the mountains are. The sun is round. I ring with life, and the mountains ring, and when I can hear it, there is a ringing that we share. I understand all this, not in my mind but in my heart, knowing how meaningless it is to try to capture what cannot be expressed, knowing that mere words will remain when I read it all again, another day.
I hope that the friendship between the members will always remain.
My whole life Has been a golden dream of love and friendship.
Friendship also seems to be the bond that hold communities together.
The meaning of life... I think the meaning of life is, I think it's love.
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
Friendship is a common belief in the same fallacies, mountebanks and hobgoblins. — © H. L. Mencken
Friendship is a common belief in the same fallacies, mountebanks and hobgoblins.
To have the same likes and dislikes, therein consists the firmest bond of friendship.
The truth is friendship is every bit as sacred and eternal as marriage.
A man can seem to have many friends yet know little of friendship.
All friendship is desirable in itself, though it starts from the need of help
There is nothing I want but your Presence. In friendship, time dissolves.
I think the way to keep a friendship is to respect that everybody is different.
Childhood friendship is the most beautiful memory that can't ever be replaced.
This isn't romance. This isn't a declaration of love or affirmation of friendship. This is something more.
If European symbols and traditions have grown tired, perfunctory and oppressively banal in Australia, or been drained of spirit and meaning by the dreary dictates of materialism and secularity, then the raw spirit truth of our native land is alive and radiant by comparison. For joy and meaning we might well turn to our natural country and witness miracles of vitality and new life, of inspiration and profound beauty; all in some humble, quiet and improbable place.
One great aim of revision is to cut out. In the exuberance of composition it is natural to throw in - as one does in speaking - a number of small words that add nothing to meaning but keep up the flow and rhythm of thought. In writing, not only does this surplusage not add to meaning, it subtracts from it. Read and revise, reread and revise, keeping reading and revising until your text seems adequate to your thought.
There are many well-meaning people today who work at placing an economic floor beneath all of us so that no one shall exist below a certain level or standard of living, and certainly we don't quarrel with this. But look more closely and you may find that all too often these well-meaning people are building a ceiling above which no one shall be permitted to climb and between the two are pressing us all into conformity, into a mold of standardized mediocrity.
The shaman no longer looks for meaning in life, but brings meaning to every situation. The shaman stops looking for truth and instead brings truth to every encounter. You don t look for the right partner, you become the right partner. And then the right partner finds you. It s a very active practice focused on healing.
Friendship is a very taxing and arduous form of leisure activity.
Fire and water are not of more universal use than friendship.
It's not right for one friend to do all the giving and the other to do all the taking: that's not real friendship.
I know what things are good: friendship and work and conversation. These I shall have.
Between friends, frequent reproofs make the friendship distant.
Loving kindness is the spirit of friendship toward yourself and others.
Who friendship with a knave hath made, Is judged a partner in the trade.
Friendship needs no words - it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness.
Friendship should be surrounded with ceremonies and respects, and not crushed into corners.
Good fellowship and friendship are lasting, rational and manly pleasures.
He removes the greatest ornament of friendship who takes away from it respect.
The companionship of dead writers is a wonderful form of live friendship.
Woman -a foe of friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessary evil. — © Saint John Chrysostom
Woman -a foe of friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessary evil.
These things by reason of our friendship I have not hesitated glo to communicate.
All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand.
Dread more the blunderer's friendship than the calumniator's enmity.
Friendship cannot live with ceremony, nor without civility.
Every one has experienced how learning an appropriate name for what was dim and vague cleared up and crystallized the whole matter. Some meaning seems distinct almost within reach, but is elusive; it refuses to condense into definite form; the attaching of a word somehow (just how, it is almost impossible to say) puts limits around the meaning, draws it out from the void, makes it stand out as an entity on its own account.
There is also an underlying, less specific fear - what some might call an ontological or existential anxiety - that shrouds our days and seeps into our dreams. We feel empty and seek meaning. We feel empty and seek meaning. We yearn and know not what we yearn for. There is a black hole at the center of our understanding that engulfs and crushes our every attempt to explore it. Something is missing.
The notion of ambiguity must not be confused with that of absurdity. To declare that existence is absurd is to deny that it can ever be given a meaning; to say that it is ambiguous is to assert that its meaning is never fixed, that it must be constantly won. Absurdity challenges every ethics; but also the finished rationalization of the real would leave no room for ethics; it is because man's condition is ambiguous that he seeks, through failure and outrageousness, to save his existence.
The condition which high friendship demands is ability to do without it.
Israel deserves America's friendship in reality - not just in rhetoric.
I also photographed Maggie Cheung - but these didn't develop into a friendship either. — © Nan Goldin
I also photographed Maggie Cheung - but these didn't develop into a friendship either.
I love a friendship that flatters itself in the sharpness and vigor of its communications.
But, alas! Misfortunes are too apt to wear out Friendship.
For in religion as in friendship, they who profess most are ever the least sincere.
I definitely have guys that I'm friends with that I have a crush on, and you don't want to ruin the friendship.
In friendship similarity of character has more weight than kinship.
I've had nothing but great friendship to help me through this.
Friendship is mutual blackmail elevated to the level of love.
Henley's one of my favorite singers. I've maintained a friendship with Don over the years.
Friendship is a traffic wherein self-love always proposes to be the gainer.
It is wise to apply the oil of refined politeness to the mechanism of friendship.
To like and dislike the same things that is indeed true friendship.
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