Top 1200 Media Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Media quotes.
Last updated on December 12, 2024.
Today, the media dictatorship is becoming a substitute to military dictatorship. The big economic groups are using the media and decide who can speak, who the good guy is and who the bad guy is.
I tell kids, don't trust the media. The media with their emphasis on fame is helping to destroy this country, helping destroy the human race. It's the plug-in drug.
Vladimir Putin understood, from the Communist era when he was a KGB officer, that the Russian propaganda system of targeting Western media - that in the digital world, you could easily pull the Western media around by a nose ring.
We completely ignore social media. Bradley Simpson also isn't on social media very much. I think we just try to live in reality as much as we can. — © Sabrina Carpenter
We completely ignore social media. Bradley Simpson also isn't on social media very much. I think we just try to live in reality as much as we can.
For decades, the liberal media eviscerated the Religious Right and other conservatives for their own attacks against liberal social causes. Over time, the media labeled anyone who didn't agree with the Left's world view as intolerant.
Television is a media of crisis, which means that television is a media of accidents.
The failure of the family court system in America is a national scandal. Sadly, the mainstream media, whether out of ignorance or fear, refuses to cover it. That media silence means that every day, these American human rights abuses continue to occur.
We need Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work together to fashion a very comprehensive pushback to Russia, not just the cyber-hacking, but their bribery of officials in Europe, their social media campaign, their overt media campaign.
I don't believe we would've had nearly as diverse a Congress if it weren't for social media. I don't think that there would be the same appreciation or empathy for human rights across the world if it weren't for social media.
You just have to be careful because social media can begin to affect personal things such as relationships, just to pin point. People have become so entitled as it relates to social media.
So, who in the media is without sin among us? I am in the media and I am a major league sinner. I don't know anyone except my wife who isn't a big time sinner.
I realized I was gay when I was a teenager and I couldn't imagine what it meant to be a gay adult. I just did the next thing that seemed right, and that led me from activism to media to the kind of media I'm in now. But I like where I've ended up.
While companies were getting comfy cozy with the idea of being on social media platforms, social media transcended those platforms, and few businesses have followed.
Why are we trying to measure social media like a traditional channel anyway? Social media touches every facet of business and is more an extension of good business ethics.
I don't think there's much distinction between surveillance and media in general. Better media means better surveillance. Cams are everywhere. — © Bruce Sterling
I don't think there's much distinction between surveillance and media in general. Better media means better surveillance. Cams are everywhere.
Trump needs the media to act the way they do so he can dunk on them and look good by comparison. The media are enjoying the short-term rush of their war with Trump, wearing his abuse as a badge of honor among their peers.
Social media is an information channel; it's like radio or TV... In Cisco, we made a lot of money on public protocol. I think the social media model replicates that protocol.
Social media and digital media will help us develop new fans and connect with our existing fans. It is an area we had to have our entire fingerprints on.
I admire David De Gea. I cannot remember anyone coming into Manchester United and being criticised the way he was. He was the subject of every debate in the media. You haven’t seen De Gea defend himself in the media or shifting the blame elsewhere. He just gets on with it.
We've seen how the power of supporting women in media can deeply affect culture and inspire a new generation of courageous trailblazers and for the past 70 years, The Alliance for Women in Media has been doing just that.
It's much better to talk about the media as a system of propaganda and abuse, of manufactured consent, than it is to claim it's some kind of democratizing force that is not responsible for what it does. The notion that the media simply reflects reality is an argument that justifies its flight from responsibility.
President Donald J Trump and the U.S. media appear now to be split by deep doctrinal differences - of the constitutional crisis kind. But, virtually up until the split, Trump and the media were as one - a perfect symbiosis.
Long before social media and even television, enterprising wrestling promoters wisely scouted and signed new stars that would not only help them sell tickets, but also garner publicity from mainstream sports media.
I think conspiracy theories have gotten more and more close to the mainstream because what you've got is a fragmentation of the media, where the media becomes much more polarized today, left and right.
The modern wars are also omnipresent in our electronic media - to be cynical about it, we now have 24 hours of non-stop bloodshed available to us. The internet and real-time media reporting were integrated into daily life in Iraq.
So that all the people who say, you know, "All the media hates America." A lot of the media does hate America but this is a case of, actually, the press doing its best, I think, to do the right by national security. So good for them.
Television and radio are what I call sequential media; they're not simultaneous media. With simultaneous media, you can scan your eye down an electronic or print page and pick among six or seven stories you might like and want to read. With television and radio, you have to wait until the guy's finished talking about the balloon boy, which I don't have the slightest interest in, to find out that all hell's broken loose in Baghdad. Because they've chosen that day to start with the balloon boy.
When the dominant media invites the torturers on their programs to defend the nature of torture and then label that as "just another position," these media apparatuses have really sunken into hell. They've become something really vile and despicable. And yet they do it with a smile.
The conservative media game was neatly summarized by Matt Labash, a former senior writer for The Weekly Standard, in a 2003 interview on the website Labash explained: 'The conservative media likes to rap the liberal media on the knuckles for not being objective. We've created this cottage industry in which it pays to be un-objective. It's a great way to have your cake and eat it too. Criticize other people for not being objective. Be as subjective as you want. It's a great little racket.'
I share this view, that Hillary Clinton did not get a fair chance with both media perspectives and the subtleties on the gender discrimination. I think there was in the media particularly there's a zone of protection around Senator Obama on race where none existed on gender.
For decades, Trump had no life independent from the media. He became a figure in the nation, and his a monitisable name - albeit quite a ludicrous one - because of his nonstop, relentless, shameless and often embarrassing courtship of the media.
The First Amendment protects the news media and the news media knows how to use it. Donald Trump doesn't understand it, he's never going to understand it.
I just think that, you know, what young actors actors and actresses have to factor into their work is all of the social media and the pressures that come from social media and the scrutiny that they're under and so nothing goes under the radar.
I design for social media. My customer reads blogs, is on social media, so I design with contrast in mind. An all-black shirt looks good on the shelf but not online.
Not only can the media not take Trump out, the media can't even hurt him. And when they try, he gets even more powerful, or more popular.
Before you can pick a social-media strategy, you have to think of your customer and what the value proposition is for them. Social media is a way to engage customers, not to give your business a 'shout out.'
I knew I always wanted to be 50 percent social media and 50 percent traditional media. Because I believe the stars of the future will need both.
The media is in charge of what you think. They're in charge of what you know and don't know. And any challenge to that, like alternative media or a president with direct access to the audience and doesn't need them, is a threat.
In fact, the corporations are driving out the competition and it is not getting better, especially when they are not paying income taxes. Thank goodness for the social media out there, because we sure can't count on the corporate media to get the word out.
Media has become a way that we think about our history. And the media moments are, for better or worse, how we contextualize our history. — © Rick Famuyiwa
Media has become a way that we think about our history. And the media moments are, for better or worse, how we contextualize our history.
It's worse now because before I had 16 Republican, conservative people and the media had their favorite but they didn't particularly love anybody. Now it's myself really against the media.
Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny have created an important political radio show that balances humor and unreported news. At a time when media conglomerates dominate the airwaves, independent media like Citizen Radio is vital to national discourse.
The thing about social media is that it is anonymous, so it can be much more vitriolic and extreme than normal media and yet it is there for everyone to see. It is kind of like electronic graffiti. The political process is accelerated and intense in a way that I don't believe it ever really has been before.
You must fight social media fire with social media water.
When you meet people you've interacted with on social media, they are not like they are on social media.
Donald Trump has the media wrapped around his little finger. And this is a contributing factor to why so many people are bothered and upset, because even in the Republican establishment, the media is looked at as a legitimate player in the power arrangement of politics.
I am very suspicious of the notion that somehow bin Laden was a media creation... Bin Laden's actions made him into a big deal. Not the media.
With social media, you take the good and the bad of it. You have to make the most of the opportunities. You can use social media to your benefit to expand your character and gets eyes on you and what you're doing.
Democracies stand on several key pillars: Free and fair elections, human rights, the rule of law, and a free untrammeled media. Until 2016, an open media was seen as a resilient democratic pillar that supported the others.
Women don't make the decisions in the media. Even if you see women on camera, they have to answer to the person upstairs, which is mostly men. Women only hold 3% of the decision-making offices in the media.
I'm studying theater and media. I don't really know why I took media, because I'm so useless with technology, though it's fun. But, I do love theater and am having a great time learning about all the practitioners and getting to perform with my friends.
You may have noticed over the years that the UN became a bit more media-friendly, a bit more open to the media than in the past. — © Kofi Annan
You may have noticed over the years that the UN became a bit more media-friendly, a bit more open to the media than in the past.
I don't take the Internet and social media very seriously. I've grown up around social media but to me what happens on the Internet just doesn't feel real.
I hate talking to media. I hate it, man. You have to. But it's crazy. I thought there were only two things in this world that you had to do, and that was die and pay taxes. Now I know that you've got to talk to media. And I hate it.
New landscape of personal media has given us a vaster wasteland of cyberspace. But, luckily for us, there's some really wonderful stuff in it. And if history is any guide, as the media matures, the quality will continue to go up.
I think the key divide between the interactive media and the narrative media is the difficulty in opening up an empathic pathway between the gamer and the character, as differentiated from the audience and the characters in a movie or a television show.
I don't underestimate audiences' intelligence. Audiences are much brighter than media gives them credit for. When people went to a movie once a week in the 1930s and that was their only exposure to media, you were required to do a different grammar.
I first came to think about media and politics in the late 1960s, having observed some distortions up close, but since then I wouldn't say that my personal experience has remained an important motive for my writing about media.
Media is everything, and when you live in Los Angeles and you live in New York, it's almost impossible to run into a conservative point of view because the conservatives that exist in Hollywood, where much of the media's done, and the conservatives that live in New York where a lot of the media's done are fearful of even expressing their conservative point of view.
I don't always agree with how everybody handles the media, just like they probably don't agree with how I handle the media and things that I say.
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