Top 107 Mislead Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Mislead quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
People who purposefully mislead the public about issues as important as our kids' education have absolutely no place at the table.
To mislead a rival, deception is permissable; one may use all means against his enemies.
As always, testing can only give you ideas on where you are. And it can also mislead you. — © Robert Kubica
As always, testing can only give you ideas on where you are. And it can also mislead you.
I speak very quickly, even for an elected public servant. So if I fast-talk you, I'm not trying to mislead you.
With love, you don't mislead or play around, so if you're not perfectly clear, just be honest about it.
Benjamin Netanyahu is no Winston Churchill. Whatever else he, is he's not a Winston Churchill. He basically violated the great rule, which is it's better to mislead the people and to lose an election than to mislead the people and win an election.
There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them.
Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible.
Fossil fuel companies and their allies are funding a massive and sophisticated campaign to mislead the American people about the environmental harm caused by carbon pollution.
Those who prefer their English sloppy have only themselves to thank if the advertisement writer uses his mastery of the vocabulary and syntax to mislead their weak minds.
We mislead ourselves when we pretend we can make someone into an effective manager by putting them through a few courses in business school.
Always mystify, mislead and surprise the enemy if possible.
I think it's clear that Planned Parenthood has worked to mislead the public about who they are... they do not provide mammograms. They are the middleman, or middle woman, if you will.
Not to take this web of dualities as a sign we are on the right track would be a bit like believing that God put fossils into the rocks in order to mislead Darwin about the evolution of life.
I'm not fake, and I don't want to mislead people about who I am. I can be serious, too, and I cry a lot. It's just who I am. — © Lauren Alaina
I'm not fake, and I don't want to mislead people about who I am. I can be serious, too, and I cry a lot. It's just who I am.
Experience must be our only guide. Reason may mislead us.
The mortal enemies of Social Security and Medicare are those who, in contempt of the plain arithmetic, continue to mislead Americans that we should change nothing.
There is also an age-old excuse: “The devil made me do it.” Not so! He can deceive you and mislead you, but he does not have the power to force you or anyone else to transgress or to keep you in transgression.
I have fun with it and I am honest and open about the way I lead my life and don't mislead anyone. I've had the time of my life and thank God for that, it would be such a waste otherwise.
Always mystify, torture, mislead, and surprise the audience as much as possible.
Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit...
Since every man is obliged to promote happiness and virtue, he should be careful not to mislead unwary minds, by appearing to set too high a value upon things by which no real excellence is conferred.
You are allowed to lie a little, but you must never mislead.
I don't want to mislead people.
I didn't mislead people. I know I didn't lie and I have got to establish that.
I think that could be perhaps a little misleading and even our statistics can mislead people at the times though they are not misleading in themselves. It is just that people get mislead
When we tell little white lies, we become progressively color-blind. It is better to remain silent than to mislead.
I would like to say that to mislead the youth is not only deceit but a crime.
It's a big mistake to try and mislead people. They will turn around.
How does Satan mislead us? By misquoting Scripture. By leading us astray. By getting us to make excuses instead of repenting.
Headlines, in a way, are what mislead you because bad news is a headline, and gradual improvement is not.
Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!
Nothing in the reporting of a nation's history could so mislead the younger generation as to represent great events in such a way that they appear to have happened as a matter of course.
When people in positions of trust mislead us - either recklessly, negligently or intentionally - that impacts the republic.
You ask me if I love you and I choke on my reply. I'd rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie.
We do not need to be heroes to save the world; all we need is humility, a critical view of the commercial and political interests of those who would mislead us into wrongdoing, and a sense of wonder.
The Satanist realizes that man, and the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for everything, and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares.
We should not mislead the Iraqis into thinking they have unlimited time to reach a settlement. The longer they think that, the less likely they will be to act. — © Sherrod Brown
We should not mislead the Iraqis into thinking they have unlimited time to reach a settlement. The longer they think that, the less likely they will be to act.
I feel character description from a book can mislead you and actually make you fall off course when you're representing a character using a script.
Giving the same value to fiction as to fact in the interest of so-called fairness is to mislead the American people and the press has become party to that.
Every physician must be rich in knowledge, and not only of that which is written in books; his patients should be his book, they will never mislead him.
I don't want to hold out false hopes that the - by some magic moment, that things will turn around in a couple months because they wouldn't, Charlie. I mean, and it's a big mistake to try and mislead people.
Satan is pure spirit. He often appears as something else, to mislead. He appeared to Padre Pio as Jesus, to frighten him. He sometimes appears as a raging animal.
The power to lead is the power to mislead, and the power to mislead is the power to destroy.
They mislead the unwitting masses.
O vanity, mislead no more!
Parliament must not be told a direct untruth, but it's quite possible to allow them to mislead themselves.
We need to create a sense of shame about racism, and about leaders who deliberately mislead and lie.
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.
A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse, another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead. — © Ernest Bevin
A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse, another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.
If you're not going to have consequences to a bad decision or to mislead Congress or any other aspect of life, that only incubates people to hatch bigger ideas that are not forthright and not abiding by the law.
Evil men often easy to mislead, because they have spent so long deceiving that they no longer recognise the truth and mistake deseption for it.
No matter what lifestyle you choose, when it comes to eating, we should all as consumers have a choice to make informed decisions. We shouldn't be misinformed or mislead.
Parliament must not be told a direct untruth, but its quite possible to allow them to mislead themselves.
International terrorists have proved quite skilled at misleading many people about what is actually happening here in the Caucasus, and they continue to mislead people today.
The War office kept three sets of figures - one to mislead the public, another to mislead the cabinet and the third to mislead itself.
When you're young, you can be mislead by older people, who know how to manipulate you.
My Democratic colleagues, many of whom hold law degrees, should know better than to intentionally oversimplify court rulings to mislead the public and score political points.
In my firm, we dealt in lies. Advertising is that ... the skilful use of the truth to mislead, to spoil, to debase.
However, don't let these statistics mislead you, gang violence is not limited to California and or big urban areas - that might have been true a while ago but it is no longer the case today.
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