Top 335 NASA Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular NASA quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Going to Mars would make NASA great again.
When I became the NASA administrator — or before I became the NASA administrator — Barack Obama charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.
The NRO is like a secret twin to NASA. It's the U.S.' 'other' space agency. The agency is about as old as NASA, but its existence was secret until 1992. — © Trevor Paglen
The NRO is like a secret twin to NASA. It's the U.S.' 'other' space agency. The agency is about as old as NASA, but its existence was secret until 1992.
For NASA, space is still a high priority.
I don't think I could advocate for increasing NASA's budget by a factor of two or ten, because I want us to have good roads in our country. I want us to have good education in our country. And NASA's budget is part of a discretionary budget, and we can't make that bigger without taking away other things.
I knew I wanted to be a part of NASA in any case, and so I chose my goals in education to be consistent with working at NASA even as, you know, a scientist.
The NASA humans-to-Mars program is all sizzle and no steak.
I like to think of 'the studio' as a laboratory where I can go in, learn tricks, apply, revise, and release. I'd figure I had about the same emotional attachment to my craft as a guy over at NASA does over... NASA stuff.
The authorizing committees are free to set their agency budgets, and that includes NASA.
I will defend the NASA Earth Science Division with everything I've got.
Together, NASA and Hubble are opening new vistas on the universe.
NASA works for the White House. There are many at NASA that wish they were building a modern replacement for the Shuttle. However, they had marching orders to instead work on other things, some of which should have no place in a research organization.
NASA is moving the space program to Starkville because it has no atmosphere. — © Skip Bertman
NASA is moving the space program to Starkville because it has no atmosphere.
NASA wanted to assure its ability to examine the spacecraft in orbit for signs of damage.
At the end of our NASA careers, no one had a place for us in the military.
Yet another spunky li'l NASA robot lands and begins transmitting back photographs of rocks that appear virtually identical to the rock photos beamed back by all the other spunky li'l NASA robots, thus confirming suspicions that the universe has a LOT of rocks in it.
NASA sends probe to Uranus, people everywhere giggle.
Science at NASA is all about exploring the endless frontier of the Earth and space.
In 1966, NASA took over in space, and it has been a bureaucratic mess ever since.
NASA calls stuff nominal instead of phenomenal, like it really is. So I have given up that there is going to be a balance and NASA is going to do certain things and we are finally in a state of existence where small groups of individuals can do extraordinary things, funded by single people.
The vision of NASA is to reveal the unknown for the benefit of all humankind.
What we do at NASA is inspiring. It's reaching, it's visionary, and it inspires people on Earth to try hard things.
The fact is this: NASA was desegregated by a white male. NASA was not desegregated by a black male. NASA was not desegregated by white women.
The costs of badly-run NASA projects are paid for with cutbacks or delays in NASA projects that didn't go over budget. Hence the guilty are rewarded and the innocent are punished.
The one period of glory in NASA was the first nine years when they weren't a bureaucracy yet... and they haven't gotten back to that excitement, that adventurism, and won't. So, I would take most of the NASA budget, and I would turn it into prizes for private sector.
We need to be very thoughtful about how we propose to spend the money that NASA does have for space exploration. And we need to be clear that there's the human spaceflight part of NASA, and there's the science space part of NASA, and there's also aeronautics. Those are all very different things that NASA does.
The head of NASA ought to be a space professional, not a politician.
I'm always involved with the Aerospace Program and NASA and Goddard Space Flight Center. And if kids feel so inclined, they can log onto NASA and the Optimus Prime Spinoff Award, which we present every year to some of the brilliant young minds that are taking up into the academics of space, science, technology, math.
NASA has never had a problem finding capable people to be astronauts. NASA's problem was, and still is, finding ways to cut the list of capable applicants down to a manageable length.
The secret life of women is to men what the universe is to NASA - unimaginably infinite and completely undiscoverable.
There remain a few people in NASA who are there to accomplish great things; but most of NASA now consists of the people who accomplished the extraordinary feat of making mankind's greatest achievements look dull, then making it impossible to repeat them.Yet what man has done man can aspire to. About light I am in the dark.
NASA has made a difference.
Floyd Thompson, a white man, desegregated NASA. Period.
NASA has been scattered to the four winds.
I did not come to NASA to make history.
NASA, like every government organization, has some bureaucracy, which can become slimmer.
Would offering the Mars Prize damage NASA? I don't think so.
I think a lot of people in Washington are extremely suspicious of NASA. — © Laurie Anderson
I think a lot of people in Washington are extremely suspicious of NASA.
Congress came to see NASA primarily as a jobs program, not an exploratory agency.
'The Martian' may be fiction, but at NASA, we are working to make it a reality.
For quite some time, women at NASA only had scientific backgrounds.
What do oil company executives, vampires and NASA bureaucrats all have in common? They fear solar energy.
As chairman of the Senate subcommittee responsible for NASA appropriations, I say not a penny for this nutty fantasy.
The whole Hubble program has just been a fabulous testament to the NASA science community and the NASA astronaut community.
NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts - we wear those a lot - and NASA T-shirts.
A new Republican Congress is taking over. Sen. Ted Cruz has been appointed tooverseeing NASA in Congress. He says he wants NASA to focus on finding aliens so he can deport them.
We need to look at NASA, not as a handout, but as an investment.
All the NASA footage is in the public domain, and it's so beautiful; it's really stunning. — © Stephanie Savage
All the NASA footage is in the public domain, and it's so beautiful; it's really stunning.
The Monkees are to the Beatles what 'Star Trek' is to NASA. They are both totally valid in their contexts.
Congressman Bridenstine's legislative record and his own testimony during his nomination hearing show that he rejects NASA's role in earth science, adopts industry perspectives without critical analysis, and embraces extreme and divisive social views. NASA deserves better.
Joining NASA was very exciting, but it was the hardest decision I have had to make in my life.
The U.S. federal government may be going broke, but it's not because of NASA.
NASA should start thinking about this planet.
I take the NASA physical every year.
There are many Iranians working at NASA. One of the engineers involved with the spaceship that went to Mars is an Iranian.
I'm actually a NASA brat. My father was a rocket scientist. He started working at NASA before it was NASA in 1959.
We actually look to the scientific community to kind of come back to NASA and tell us what the priorities should be. And then at NASA, we try to look within our budget and say, 'What can we accommodate, and what are the most important things for the nation?'
The odds of becoming a NASA astronaut - you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning.
I believe that space travel will one day become as common as airline travel is today. I'm convinced, however, that the true future of space travel does not lie with government agencies -- NASA is still obsessed with the idea that the primary purpose of the space program is science -- but real progress will come from private companies competing to provide the ultimate adventure ride, and NASA will receive the trickle-down benefits.
My dad worked at NASA his whole career; he's a research scientist.
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