Top 1200 Painful Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Painful Life quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
You can't try to be somebody you're not; that's not style. If someone says, 'Buy this - you'll be stylish,' you won't be stylish because you won't be you. You have to learn who you are first, and that's painful.
Millions of Mexicans leave their kids in order to take care of other kids. That's a very painful thing.
The frequent employment of one's will power masters all organs of movement and trains them to perform feats which otherwise would have been difficult,painful and even impossible. The man becomes independent and self-reliant; he will never be a coward,and, when real danger threatens,he is the one who is looked up to by others. The knowledge of one's strength entails a real mastery over oneself; it breeds energy and courage,helps one over the most difficult tasks of life, and procures contentment and true enjoyment of living.
I think the challenge is to takedifficult and painful times and turn them into something beneficial, something that makes you grow. — © Michelle Akers
I think the challenge is to takedifficult and painful times and turn them into something beneficial, something that makes you grow.
It's very painful to be in debt. I'm the kind of person who would rather almost die than go into debt.
I think it was a lot of trust as well [between me and Daniel Radcliffe]. If we didn't have that, it could be a very painful film [ Swiss Army Man] to go make.
Fear is bound to disappear when you realize that failure is not something shameful, damaging, destructive, or painful, but something natural.
The reason it's so painful when someone disappears is you have to face the fact that the person you loved had probably left you a long time before he grabbed his coat and scrammed.
I did a film once that I was killed in. It was a painful, horrifying day. It was a wonderful day from the standpoint of acting, but I was a wreck otherwise.
They are the most painful tears in the world ... the tears of the aged ... for they come from dried beds where the emotions have long burned low.
Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.
It's interesting to fantasize having a man sink his teeth into your neck for sustenance, knowing that it isn't going to be terribly painful but rather very exciting
Betrayal, in all forms, is painful. It can make you go crazy. But we all have choices on how to deal with it. Do we just go away or stay?
History records endless struggles to enlarge those realms, inspiring ones; it also records painful reversals and setbacks. — © Noam Chomsky
History records endless struggles to enlarge those realms, inspiring ones; it also records painful reversals and setbacks.
If you flatter me, or if you look at me the right way, I will kill myself to please you. It's very painful to be an overachiever.
Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another.
It was painful, but I really wanted to get 'Hollow City' right, and I'm glad I put in the time because I'm really proud of it.
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.
The thought of somebody pulling and cutting around my face gives me stomach ache. Plastic surgery would be so painful. What if it doesn't look good? What if they made a mistake? I couldn't do it.
Every one of us knows how painful it is to be called by malicious names, to have his character undermined by false insinuations, to be overreached in a bargain, to be neglected by those who rise in life, to be thrust on one side by those who have stronger wills and stouter hearts. Every one knows, also, the pleasure of receiving a kind look, a warm greeting, a hand held out to help in distress, a difficulty solved, a higher hope revealed for this world or the next. By that pain and by that pleasure let us judge what we should do to others.
Suddenly it was too hard to be in his presence, too painful to know that he would belong to someone else.
It is painful to talk about it, but even with its 110,000 elite soldiers, the Soviet Union never managed to gain control over the entire Afghan territory.
The resort to human flesh, often after months of ever-increasing hunger pangs, appeared to be an animallike reaction without painful emotional overtones.
As with anything that involves emotional pain, comedy isn't too far behind. There's that element of no matter how painful something is - as long as it is not you that is going through it - it can be funny.
That's what makes writer's block so painful. You think the well has run dry, maybe somewhere in the heavens the tap has been turned off. That's beyond frightening.
There is nothing indulgent about the Moral Law. It is as hard as nails. It tells you to do the straight thing and it does not seem to care how painful, or dangerous, or difficult it is to do.
Adults are constantly telling teenagers that it's what's on the inside that matters. It's always painful to find out that adults have lied to you.
When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.
The important question is whether [a theory] is true, not whether envisioning an alternative is too intellectually painful to bear.
Our country has a painful history of mistrust between police departments and people of color. The overuse of stop-and-frisk has made those divisions much worse.
I'm on television far too much. I'm not sure why. I've watched myself on TV from time to time. It's painful.
Listen, I wish economic growth only went in one direction. It doesn't. There are economic downturns. They're painful, they're harmful, and they hurt families.
All writers have periods when they stop writing, when they cannot write, and this is always painful and terrible because writing is like breathing.
I am interested in the unknown, and the only path to the unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process.
Even if it’s dangerous, and painful, and so very, very lonely. One must go on fighting- It is the only honorable thing to do
Making mistakes is part of learning to choose well. No way around it. Choices are thrust upon us, and we don't always get things right. Even postponing or avoiding a decision can become a choice that carries heavy consequences. Mistakes can be painful-sometimes they cause irrevocable harm-but welcome to Earth. Poor choices are part of growing up, and part of life. You will make bad choices, and you will be affected by the poor choices of others. We must rise above such things.
Life is a song-sing it. Life is a game-play it. Life is a challenge-meet it. Life is a dream-realize it. Life is a sacrifice-offer it. Life is love-enjoy it.
. . . it is true, even people with painful childhoods. . . grow up to be more interesting people. So, there's always a positive to a negative.
Patience is, therefore, the faculty of enduring a painful sensation, and yet looking confidently and steadily to the period when that sensation shall cease. — © William Pinnock
Patience is, therefore, the faculty of enduring a painful sensation, and yet looking confidently and steadily to the period when that sensation shall cease.
You have to respect people's suffering. To deny that the world is unfair and painful for most of the people living in it would be false and judgmental.
How glorious it is - and also how painful - to be an exception.
Running is great, but it kills me - Im 38 and my body has been through a lot of painful challenges. I do a 10k run and I can feel it the next couple of days.
She lived almost fifty years of her life completely dedicated to the care of the poor and the marginalized. Astonishingly, for those nearly fifty years she identified completely with the poor she served by her own experience of being seemingly unwanted and unloved by God. In a mystical way — through this painful interior "darkness" — she tasted their greatest poverty of being "unwanted, unloved, and uncared for."
Ronald Reagan, of course, was a Republican governor of California who went through a painful defeat in the 1976 presidential race before winning four years later
Practice is an ever-fresh, challenging flow of work and play in which we continually test and demolish our own delusions; therefore, it is sometimes painful.
What else should our lives be but a continual series of beginnings, of painful settings out into the unknown, pushing off from the edges of consciousness into the mystery of what we have not yet become.
So much of contemporary crime fiction is painful to read and obsessed with violence, particularly against women, and I can't read that.
You retire when you are sick and when you can't do it any more or when the public retires you. That's the most painful, because that's the one that leaves you wanting to accomplish more.
Live records of mine are very painful to listen to because you always think you can do it better. I don't think I have a single favorite one. — © Geddy Lee
Live records of mine are very painful to listen to because you always think you can do it better. I don't think I have a single favorite one.
Steadfast benevolence, sustained by the wisdom that anything other than benevolence is painful, protects the mind from all afflictions.
You can punch a wall or write a song. Just as painful either way, but you have something to show for it at the end of the day with a song.
In my opinion, actual heroism, like actual love, is a messy, painful, vulnerable business—and I wanted to try to reflect that.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
I just was in the second round. That's painful, because always is tough to lose, but well, that's sport. You win, you lose.
It's not easy to know who you are and it's very painful and takes a lot of time and that is why a lot of people don't want to put in the effort.
First time you step on these new legs, it's bloody hard. It's painful on your pelvic bones. But every day I get more of a feel for where my feet are.
Over time, as the thinking mind begins to settle [through the practice of meditation], we’ll start to see our patterns and habits far more clearly. Sometimes this can be a painful experience. I can’t overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be. By cultivating nonjudgmental openness to ourselves and to whatever arises, to our surprise and delight we will find ourselves genuinely welcoming the never-pin-downable quality of life, experiencing it as a friend, a teacher, and a support, and no longer as an enemy.
Tis unpleasant to meet a beggar. It is painful to deny him; and, if you relieve him, it is so much out of your pocket.
After being in the creative, hermetic state I have been in, coming out has been painful, but it is getting easier.
You have to go through the long, painful process of learning techniques to be able to recognize a "good accident" or a "bad accident."
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