Top 1200 Parliamentary Democracy Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Parliamentary Democracy quotes.
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
For me, a better democracy is a democracy where women do not only have the right to vote and to elect but to be elected.
We believe that this is not right for a democracy to make revolutions the beacon of promoting democracy.
Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. — © Unknown
Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch.
We should never take democracy for granted. Democracy can emerge and develop, but it can also decay.
We are in a phase of democratization. We are constructing a democracy. We cannot construct a democracy with irritants.
Modern life means democracy, democracy means freeing intelligence for independent effectivenessthe emancipation of mind as an individual organ to do its own work. We naturally associate democracy, to be sure, with freedom of action, but freedom of action without freed capacity of thought behind it is only chaos.
If you believe in democracy, than you can't trash it by being cynical about the people who do democracy: the politicians.
I had a really unusual, remarkably unusual father because he, in our family, was the one that suffered the most. He was the one that explained American democracy to me. He said, ‘Our democracy is a people’s democracy and it can be as great as people can be, and it can be great… but we are also fallible human beings.’
Democracy was being saved from Communism by getting rid of democracy.
Political democracy has failed in the U.S. because there hasn't been economic democracy.
I'm an extreme libertarian, but I realize we're in a democracy, and in a democracy, people can have views of all stripes, and there's no reason to argue about it.
I think it is something that is so important, to be very aware of the direction in which the 21st century is going with all this blind faith in democracy. And by the way, I am not against democracy - I am against the blind faith that is being put in democracy.
In the world there is no democracy better than our democracy. Such a thing has never before been seen. — © Ruhollah Khomeini
In the world there is no democracy better than our democracy. Such a thing has never before been seen.
Civil disobedience is not something outside the realm of democracy. Democracy requires civil disobedience. Without civil disobedience democracy does not exist.
If democracy brings an undemocratic group to power, is that a victory for democracy?
Democracy is an impossible thing until the power is shared by all, but let not democracy degenerate into mobocracy.
When threatened, the first thing a democracy gives up is democracy.
You can’t have meaningful political democracy without functioning economic democracy.
The ruling class is the rich. . . . And those people are so able to manipulate our democracy that they really control the democracy.
Our democracy has been around far longer than European democracy.
Democracy is never a thing done. Democracy is always something that a nation must be doing.
I don?t think that India is much celebrated for its democracy. Democracy has been a very neglected commodity at home and abroad.
When I entered federal parliament at the end of 2007, I was appointed parliamentary secretary for disabilities.
Our Parliamentary system has simply failed to meet the challenge of judicial activism.
Formation of alignments for governments are done by our central parliamentary board and not locally.
My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest shall have the same opportunities as the strongest... no country in the world today shows any but patronizing regard for the weak... Western democracy, as it functions today, is diluted fascism... true democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the center. It has to be worked from below, by the people of every village.
Most of wars or military coups or invasions are done in the name of democracy against democracy.
They think democracy - I used to say "damn the democracy", because it's not a stable government.
After all, we didn't bring democracy to Germany in 1945; Hitler destroyed democracy there first.
Any comparison between the military dictatorship and democracy can only come from those who do not value the Brazilian democracy.
All forms of the state have democracy for their truth, and for that reason are false to the extent that they are not democracy
Anybody who asks for democracy to be introduced should respect the results of democracy.
But sir- we are a beginning democracy. If there were not strikes, this would not be a democracy.
The procedure we are pursuing is that of true democracy. Semi-democracy accepts the dictatorship of a majority in establishing its arbitrary, ergo, unnatural, laws. True democracy discovers by patient experiment and unanimous acknowledgement what the laws of nature or universe may be for the physical support and metaphysical satisfaction of the human intellect's function in universe.
Debate and discussions strengthen democracy but violence during protests weaken democracy.
America is not a democracy. I think if your kids understood that - and most people don't. We are a representative republic. We're not a direct democracy.
We believe democracy cannot be imposed from outside in any society. Democracy is the expression of a sovereign people.
Democracy is not tolerance. Democracy is a prescribed way of life erected on the premise that all men are created equal. — © Chester Himes
Democracy is not tolerance. Democracy is a prescribed way of life erected on the premise that all men are created equal.
It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience, decency, politeness and courtesy.
I believe in a democracy and we live in a democracy. We have a titular head of state as the monarch but without political power.
We Americans have the great gifts of freedom and democracy, but it has been our education system that has fulfilled the promise of democracy.
Freedom in a democracy is the glory of the state, and, therefore, in a democracy only will the freeman of nature deign to dwell.
There is no connection between imperialism and democracy. I mean when we ran an Empire which we did when I was born, there was no democracy anywhere.
Democracy, in the United States rhetoric refers to a system of governance in which elite elements based in the business community control the state by virtue of their dominance of the private society, while the population observes quietly. So understood, democracy is a system of elite decision and public ratification, as in the United States itself. Correspondingly, popular involvement in the formation of public policy is considered a serious threat. It is not a step towards democracy; rather it constitutes a 'crisis of democracy' that must be overcome.
My work in Ukraine ceased following the country's parliamentary elections in October 2014.
That one never asks a question unless he knows the answer is basic to parliamentary questioning.
Negroes are in no mood to shoulder guns for democracy abroad while they are denied democracy here at home.
There's a big difference in a representative republic and a democracy. We do not have a democracy in America. — © Rush Limbaugh
There's a big difference in a representative republic and a democracy. We do not have a democracy in America.
I suppose not everyone has a dad who wrote a book saying he didn't believe in the Parliamentary road to socialism.
Democracy on a supranational level is simply impossible. In order to have democracy, there needs to be a nation.
We can't afford to go down the dead end roads of Parliamentary Socialism or Fascistic Bolshevism.
Aristotle might not recognize it, or others who are at the root of democracy. What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?
I think the notion that we have all the democracy that money can buy strays so far from what our democracy is supposed to be.
Democracy is not a spectator sport, it's a participatory event. If we don't participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy.
All the more reason we need to stand up for our democracy now. If we're going to solve the crises that are barreling down on us, we need democracy, and our democracy needs to start with an open and inclusive debate. That doesn't mean 20 candidates. There are four candidates who are on the ballot for just about every voter in America.
Democracy and religion stand or fall together. Where democracy has been destroyed, religion has been doomed. Where religion has been trampled down, democracy has ceased to exist.... Tyrants have come and have had their day and then have passed while religion has survived them all.
Iraq is part of a legitimate American effort not to have democracy everywhere but to have democracy somewhere.
We say that if America has entered the war to make the world safe for democracy, she must first make democracy safe in America. How else is the world to take America seriously, when democracy at home is daily being outraged, free speech suppressed, peaceable assemblies broken up by overbearing and brutal gangsters in uniform; when free press is curtailed and every independent opinion gagged? Verily, poor as we are in democracy, how can we give of it to the world?
It is when it is contended that "in a democracy right is what the majority makes it to be" that democracy degenerates into demagoguery.
Since 1998, I have served my country as a member of four cabinets and as the leader of the parliamentary opposition.
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