Top 808 Phenomena Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Phenomena quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Science-fiction ... can be defined as: Imaginative extrapolation of true natural phenomena, existing now, or likely to exist in the future.
People keep asking if I believe in ghosts. If you're talking about poltergeists and weird, supernatural phenomena, not really.
There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world. — © Nikolai Lobachevsky
There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world.
I actually think that one of the most dangerous phenomena is the bowing to expertise, whether it's in international relations or how to use technologies.
The Seven Factors of Awakening are mindfulness, investigation of phenomena, diligence, joy, ease, concentration, and letting go.
We are perhaps not far removed from the time when we shall be able to submit the bulk of chemical phenomena to calculation.
I'm wide open to evidence of the supernatural, but I also think that the majority of those experiences are probably natural phenomena we don't understand just yet.
Talent, will and genius are natural phenomena like the lake, the volcano, the mountain, the wind, the star, the cloud.
There is a certain comfort that comes from feeling intellectually apart from phenomena. That you have the luxury of time to reflect or apply scholarly thinking to art and culture.
My nature is to try and look past apparent truths, to pull back layers and understand the psychological motives behind phenomena.
Anyone who has ever stopped to watch a hawk in flight will know that this is one of the natural world's most elegant phenomena.
In Buddhism, ignorance as the root cause of suffering refers to a fundamental misperception of the true nature of the self and all phenomena.
The world is full of strange phenomena that cannot be explained by the laws of logic or science. Dennis Rodman is only one example. — © Dave Barry
The world is full of strange phenomena that cannot be explained by the laws of logic or science. Dennis Rodman is only one example.
We can scarcely avoid the inference that light consists in the transverse undulations of the same medium which is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena.
Rational order in the technological world can be as fascinating as the fetishes of a Congo witch-doctor - scientific phenomena become significant images.
Life itself is but the expression of a sum of phenomena, each of which follows the ordinary physical and chemical laws.
Love is the only freedom in the world because it so elevates the spirit that the laws of humanity and the phenomena of nature do not alter its course.
Statistics is the branch of scientific method which deals with the data obtained by counting or measuring the properties of populations of natural phenomena.
Deafness, though it be total and congenital, imposes no limits on the intellectual development of its subjects, save in the single direction of the appreciation of acoustic phenomena.
Modern science is predicated on 'truths' verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.
The question was a fashionable one, whether a definite line exists between psychological and physiological phenomena in human activity; and if so, where it lies?
The fundamental concepts of physical science, it is now understood, are abstractions, framed by our mind, so as to bring order to an apparent chaos of phenomena.
It can scarcely be denied that the fundamental phenomena which first led mankind into chemical inquiries are those of combustion.
Simplicity and beauty are the signs not of truth but of a well-constructed approximate model of a limited domain of phenomena.
The latest authors, like the most ancient, strove to subordinate the phenomena of nature to the laws of mathematics.
It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena.
I paint to rest from the phenomena of the external world-to pronounce and to make notations of its essences with which to verify the inner eye.
Physics is essentially an intuitive and concrete science. Mathematics is only a means for expressing the laws that govern phenomena.
Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena.
Only by observing this condition would the results of our work be regarded as fully conclusive and as having elucidated the normal course of the phenomena.
How important is a constant intercourse with nature and the contemplation of natural phenomena to the preservation of moral and intellectual health!
Eternal truths are ultimately invisible, and you won't find them in material things or natural phenomena, or even in human emotions.
I know that the molecules in my body are traceable to phenomena in the cosmos. That makes me want to grab people on the street and say: ‘Have you HEARD THIS?
There is no more open door by which you can enter into the study of natural philosophy than by considering the physical phenomena of a candle
...paranormal phenomena such as apports, prediction, telepathy, dowsing and the like can be explained by an extended physics as potentially real effects.
We are all as much extraordinary phenomena of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars and the form of a galaxy.
To explain new phenomena, that is my task; and how happy is the scientist when he finds what he so diligently sought, a pleasure that gladdens the heart.
Calamities that are not the result of purely natural phenomena usually have their origins, distant and obscure though they may be, in common human failings. — © Aung San Suu Kyi
Calamities that are not the result of purely natural phenomena usually have their origins, distant and obscure though they may be, in common human failings.
I think the international community should unite to fight such inhuman phenomena as terror attacks and the murder of totally innocent people.
With the exception of gravitation and radioactivity, all of the phenomena known to physicists and chemists in 1911 have their ultimate explanation in the laws of quantum electrodynamics.
By perfecting the practices of zazen and mindfulness, by learning patience and love and by realizing the essential emptiness of all phenomena, you will discover nirvana.
If the selflessness of phenomena is analyzed and if this analysis is cultivated, it causes the effect of attaining nirvana. through no other cause does one come to peace.
The Goal of Science is understanding lawful relations among natural phenomena. Religion is a way of life within a larger framework of meaning.
Poetry is but another form of inquiry into the nature of phenomena, using with its own unique procedures and tools.
It is vain philosophy that supposes more causes than are exactly adequate to explain the phenomena of things.
The act of photography is that of phenomenological doubt to the extent that it attempts to approach phenomena from any number of viewpoints.
Urban pop culture is its own phenomena that is for some reason is left out of Hollywood. It's the most mainstream thing there is.
We know about black holes and neutron stars, but we hope there are other phenomena we can see because of the gravitational waves they emit. — © Rainer Weiss
We know about black holes and neutron stars, but we hope there are other phenomena we can see because of the gravitational waves they emit.
A wide range of social, collective phenomena can be made to emerge from the interactions of autonomous agents operating to simple local rules
Modern science is predicated on "truths" verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.
Painting will have to deal more fully and less obliquely with life and nature's phenomena before it can again become great.
From the outset Maxwell's theory excelled all others in elegance and in the abundance of the relations between the various phenomena which it included.
I paint to rest from the phenomena of the external world - to pronounce it -- and to make notations of its essences with which to verify the inner eye.
I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are IMPOSSIBLE.
It is a magnificent feeling to recognize the unity of complex phenomena which appear to be things quite apart from the direct visible truth.
Environment is undoubtedly a secondary factor in the phenomena of life; it can modify in that it can help or hinder, but it can never create.
I have never doubted that religious phenomena are only to be understood on the pattern of the individual neurotic symptoms familiar to us.
Hypnotism is trespass into the territory of another's consciousness. Its temporary phenomena have nothing in common with the miracles performed by men of divine realization.
We've lost control of this planet somewhere. There's an echo in that kind of tornado situation, where you're powerless facing those phenomena.
What is interesting about the scientific world view is that it is true, inspiring, remarkable and that it unites a whole lot of phenomena under a single heading.
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