Top 1200 Playing Bridge Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Playing Bridge quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
It was so strange, coming from Nashville, Tennessee, where I was playing to 15 people, to going to London and playing in this crowded little dive pub. I know Tom Petty had a similar thing - I realize, on a lot larger scale.
Words build a bridge between the imaginations of writer and reader, creating something unique between them.
From my early days of playing 2:2 in basketball against my three older brothers to my years playing Division 1 college basketball and lacrosse, sports have played a big role in my leadership development.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I would not follow, I would be at the bottom to catch them when they fall. — © Unknown
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I would not follow, I would be at the bottom to catch them when they fall.
All change begins with a DECISION. Once the decision is made, DISCIPLINE becomes the bridge between desire and accomplishment.
There's not a thing that any of you guys can say bad about me that would hurt my feelings... I'm not coming at you, what I'm saying is that, I'm willing to take that heat for my team, if we're playing well or if we're not playing well.
I just can't sit down and write three verses and a chorus and a bridge anymore. It just don't find it inspiring.
There was a point a few years ago where I realized I started out playing boys on camera and stage, and then I translated that to playing boys in animated shows. I was like, "Whoa, this is intense."
I wasn’t, you know, Mr Popular. I was somewhere in the middle ground. I was quite alternative, the things I liked to do. Skateboarding, at the time. Playing in a band as opposed to playing in the rugby team. You know, that kind of thing.
We feel the game industry is changing in some major ways. 'Fortnite' is a harbinger of things to come. It's a massive number of people all playing together, interacting together, not just playing but socializing.
I come from a creative background, and everything I enjoy is entertaining or playing music for people, which is the exact thing the Community restricts and opposes. At least still playing games with the kids and being active, not completely awful.
Playing for 14 years definitely took its toll mentally. I decided when I was playing my last season that when I retired from football I would never go back into it, and I've never regretted that decision.
If I am playing the game freely, and those opportunities come up to cross the line, then I get enjoy that a lot. But when I try to force things, I am not playing my best footy.
We have fun, we listen to one another, we challenge one another, we trust one another. We're doing what we enjoy, and we're not just playing for each other, we're playing for the people.
I suddenly realized that comedy, for me, was just being honest, and playing it for real. I've seen so many wonderful actors who turn into creatures from another planet when they're told they are supposed to be playing comedy.
I've created a bridge between European electronic culture and urban American culture, and I've worked with established brands. — © David Guetta
I've created a bridge between European electronic culture and urban American culture, and I've worked with established brands.
It's hard not to chase the money. You sit at home when guys are out playing for a $6 million purse, and you know you're going to drop back on the money list, so you end up playing when you don't really want to.
Since I was a kid, even in school I gave my best, playing with my friends, 100 per cent sweating, fighting. When I was playing any game, even video games, I wanted to win.
A lot of photographers like models to be blank canvases - but bland girls don't influence me. I don't like playing with dolls; I like playing with people.
Playing drums or music, being a musician, is inside of you. So you would always see me tapping on something, playing on tables... I never felt the need to pull out drums.
Ironically, I must admit that I have an easier time (myself) playing games that are really simple and non-realistic - like the games I grew up with in the 80's - I tend to get lost and confused when the games get too complex! But I enjoy watching people who are good at playing games. I really enjoy playing games like Guitar Hero, where you feel like you're a great musician even if you're not.
For me, there's always a huge attraction in playing real people. But with it comes an incredible sense of responsibility because you're playing a real person in a real event.
Even if you've never picked up a club, or if you've been playing for a long time, there's always something new to learn from playing golf. That's the beauty of the game. You never stop learning.
No matter what contract anyone is on it is important you are playing football. It is a short career and you have to earn a living but at the same time playing football is the best way to get better contracts anyway.
What was the worst thing [making Twiligh]? Playing the part where you can't get hurt and you can't die because there's no framework. There are too many possibilities if you can't die. If you're playing a normal human being, there's always that.
A normal adolescent is so restless and twitchy and awkward that he can mange to injure his knee--not playing soccer, not playing football--but by falling off his chair in the middle of French class.
I've thoroughly enjoyed my life since I stopped playing. Of course you miss playing now and then, but I've travelled, I still work with Manchester United, I spent more time with my family and watched my kids grow up.
The Devil sends the precipices; God sends the bridges! When you come across a precipice, look for the bridge; it is somewhere there!
I'm very driven, and I play with a lot of passion. So sometimes I'm a little too amped up because I love playing football and I'm very passionate about this game and playing for my teammates.
I went over a year without playing baseball. At 39, not playing for a year, a year and a half, there were a lot of nights I was saying, 'This is going to be tough.'
I wanted to find a bridge between Musique Concrete, electro-acoustic music, and proper rock music.
Denial is huge for any alcoholic, especially for a functioning alcoholic, because I - you know, I'm not living under a bridge. I haven't been arrested.
Like so many of the players, I started at La Masia at the age of 11. I can't ever imagine not playing for Barcelona, let alone not playing soccer for a career. I don't ever want to play anywhere else.
America's business leaders, large and small, must be a part of the solution to bridge America's skills gap.
With a documentary, you can cut away, you can do jump cuts, cut to a photograph at any point to bridge two scenes.
I bought one of the first Nintendo systems and brought that home, and we were playing 'Legend of Zelda' at the time, and it was addicting, and I was playing it for hours and hours and hours.
I love playing basketball because you could be having a rough day in your life, and while you're on the court it gives you a clear mind. I'm not worried about anything. I'm there just playing freely and I go out there all and I have fun.
It's always so nerve-wracking being up there on stage. It's even harder playing in your hometown - and I have a couple of home towns - but, you're playing for all the people you knew in high school, so it causes no small degree of panic in my mind.
I've been trying to take this journey over the last four years of getting away from playing manipulative and villainous characters and playing characters that are affected by what happens to them as opposed to unaffected.
If you read reviews of concerts, the word 'creative' comes up all the time. However, performers playing music usually aren't creative. Critics might say they are, but they're just playing another persons work. They didn't create it.
All of us are playing roles, and there's nothing wrong with playing roles because we have to live in this world - the problem is only when we believe in those roles. — © Tenzin Palmo
All of us are playing roles, and there's nothing wrong with playing roles because we have to live in this world - the problem is only when we believe in those roles.
When you get offered the captaincy, you've got to have a go. In India, where it went well, I was playing well ,and anything that needed doing, I'd do it myself. When I wasn't playing well, it was tough.
I love playing football. I love being happy. I love playing games. I think that's going to be the ultimate deciding factor in where I go.
I see a young man playing 'Plaisir d'Amour' on guitar. I knew I didn't want to go to college; I was already playing a ukulele, and after I saw that, I was hooked. All I wanted to do was play guitar and sing.
I had quite a bit of experience doing things that had been adapted from a book and playing real-life characters and playing the younger version of actors. That's kind of my thing.
If I didn't love tennis, I wouldn't be playing. That's also why I don't know how long I will be playing because if I start feeling like this is not what I want to do anymore, that there's not really any reason anymore.
The ego is that ugly little troll that lives underneath the bridge between your mind and your heart.
So I came home and I had a resume and everything, but the only job experience I had was just playing in bars and clubs on my summers off. So, I was temping and stuff during the day and playing music at night.
If I were to run around the world playing just the cello concertos - and believe me, I love playing them - I would be counting my entire repertoire from year to year on my two hands.
If you're playing someone you care about, it's tough, and I don't want to be in that situation. We are playing big matches for big points and prize money, and I take it very seriously. I relax when I'm outside tennis.
Because I put in so much time and preparation, when I'm in the booth during a game, I see X's and O's. I just see football, and I remove my emotion from anything I ever do, whether it's my kids playing, Ohio State playing.
I wasn't, you know, Mr. Popular. I was somewhere in the middle ground. I was quite alternative, the things I liked to do. Skateboarding, at the time. Playing in a band as opposed to playing in the rugby team. You know, that kind of thing.
Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated ... Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible. — © Paulo Coelho
Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated ... Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible.
I worked with different producers from all genres, trying to bridge different styles of music, from urban to electronica to ballads.
I wasn't really that interested in playing. I had gone through some hard times not playing in high school, but my coach had it in his mind that basketball was the way I would get an education.
On the way, I shared the backseat of Feyerabend's little sports car with the inflatable raft he kept there in case an 8-point earthquake came while he was on the Bay Bridge.
I started playing the acoustic guitar for more singer-songwriter type stuff. I bet if I would have gotten more approval for my "rock playing", I might be a world class shredder.
I know my dad would have loved me to have played rugby. He was a No. 8. I started off playing centre and ended up playing at the back of the scrum, No. 8 as well, just picking it up and running with it.
I don't know what it is to love the way they love-they would jump off a bridge for me. I can't do that. I can only say, I owe you.
I never worry about injury. When you go out there, you're playing football. And when you start worrying about those things, that's more when they happen, playing timid or keeping it in the back of your mind.
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