Top 1200 Pursuit Of Knowledge Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Pursuit Of Knowledge quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
A lot of people have knowledge, but they don't have the wisdom of when to apply that knowledge.
Metaphysics involves intuitive knowledge of unprovable starting-points concepts and truth and demonstrative knowledge of what follows from them.
Experience is the main reason why we're here, I think, in the world to gain experience and from our experience we gain knowledge. Oh, I think so, anyway. Knowledge and if we get any knowledge then we gain liberation.
Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. — © Napoleon Hill
Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action.
Knowledge is not eating, and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace.
It is manifest that all government of action is to be gotten by knowledge, and knowledge best, by gathering many knowledges, which is reading.
After all, all knowledge simply means self-knowledge.
That knowledge which adds greatness to character is knowledge so handled as to transform every phase of immediate experience.
The child is naturally meditative. He is a sort of samadhi; he's coming out of the womb of existence. His life river is yset absolutely fresh, just from the source. He knows the truth, but he does not know that he knows.... His knowledge is not yet aware. It is innocent. It is simply there, as a matter of fact. And he is not separate from his knowledge; he is his knowledge. He has not mind, he has simple being.
Practical knowledge of what works and what doesn't work is much better. Theoretical knowledge is important, but I think practical knowledge works better.
True knowledge is knowledge of why things are as they are, and not merely what they are.
Knowledge is merely brilliance in organization of ideas and not wisdom. The truly wise person goes beyond knowledge.
All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge.
All false practices and affections of knowledge are more odious to God, and deserve to be so to men, than any want or defect of knowledge can be.
Knowledge of facts is important. Knowledge of truth is essential. Yet our Lord's concern goes beyond mere head knowledge. He wants us not only to know the truth but also to obey the truth. He wants us to live the truth, practice the truth, and be conformed to and transformed by that truth.
Of all the knowledge, that most worth having is knowledge about health! The first requisite of a good life is to be a healthy person. — © Herbert Spencer
Of all the knowledge, that most worth having is knowledge about health! The first requisite of a good life is to be a healthy person.
Wisdom is not knowledge, but lies in the use we make of knowledge.
No one has a monopoly on knowledge the way that, say, IBM had in the 1960s in computing, or that Bell Labs had through the 1970s in communications. When useful knowledge exists in companies of all sizes and also in universities, non-profits and individual minds, it makes sense to orient your innovation efforts to accessing, building upon and integrating that external knowledge into useful products and services.
Knowledge is the stuff from which new ideas are made. Thus, the real key to being creative lies in what you do with your knowledge.
You want to reclaim your country? You got to go back to the first men who started this country, the founding fathers and this is going to be shocking for the liberal professors out there that are indoctrinating our kids but the founding fathers believed in the Judeo-Christian god that believed we have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! You can pursuit it. If you don't get it, it's your fault! You messed up. Go back to work. Work harder.
Self-knowledge is the only basis of true knowledge.
The acquisition of knowledge - knowledge of both the world and of their own religion - will inoculate young people against extremist ideologies.
There is no philosophy which is not founded upon knowledge of the phenomena, but to get any profit from this knowledge it is absolutely necessary to be a mathematician.
All the knowledge that I have doesn't necessarily make me brilliant, but I love acquiring knowledge and then sharing it with everybody else.
Knowledge is power. The more knowledge, expertise, and connections you have, the easier it is for you to make a profit at the game of your choice.
Knowledge for its own sake was meaningless, its mere accumulation a waste of time. Knowledge must lead to understanding.
A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power.
General knowledge may have to be slight or even amateurish knowledge, but it is none the less useful, and we discourage it at our peril.
What being among the 'right people' entails is the possession of human capital, rather than organizational capital: an individual reputation, portable skills, and network connections. Career responsibility is squarely in the hands of individuals, a function of their knowledge and networks. Transferable knowledge is more important to a career than firm-specific knowledge.
Western civilization, unfortunately, does not link knowledge and morality but rather, it connects knowledge and power and makes them equivalent.
Knowledge is a free good. The biggest cost in its transmission is not in the production or distribution of knowledge, but in its assimilation. This is something that all teachers know.
When reflection is thereby demystified, I believe that the temptation to view human knowledge as different in kind from animal knowledge is undermined.
Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself. many it is not knowledge but the quest for knowledge that gives greater interest to thought-to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.
You cannot be wise without some basis of knowledge, but you may easily acquire knowledge and remain bare of wisdom.
His knowledge is not like ours, which has three tenses; present, past, and future. God's knowledge has no change or variation.
Fraud includes the pretense of knowledge when knowledge there is none.
Sometimes street knowledge can be as important as book knowledge.
Where suspicion fills the air and holds scholars in line for fear of their jobs, there can be no exercise of the free intellect. Supineness and dogmatism take the place of inquiry. A problem can no longer be pursued to its edges. Fear stalks the classroom. The teacher is no longer a stimulant to adventurous thinking; she becomes instead a pipe line for safe and sound information. A deadening dogma takes the place of free inquiry. Instruction tends to become sterile; pursuit of knowledge is discouraged; discussion often leaves off where it should begin.
The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal. — © Plato
The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal.
The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.
Knowledge is first and wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge. To understand this tone and pattern of thinking in the numerical way automatically resonated with me.
The primary use of knowledge is for such guidance of conduct under all circumstances as shall make living complete. All other uses of knowledge are secondary.
Knowledge is organized data. For it to be shelved as human knowledge it's got to be predictable, repeatable, all the basics of scientific validation have to be there.
To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit. General knowledge are those knowledge that idiots possess.
We strive toward knowledge, always more knowledge, but must understand that we are, and will remain, surrounded by mystery.
Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary. Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion.
Faith is the Knowledge of the Heart, Logick the Knowledge of the Mind.
Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates.
It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is ... to increase the productivity of knowledge work and the knowledge worker — © Peter Drucker
The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is ... to increase the productivity of knowledge work and the knowledge worker
All explicit knowledge is translated knowledge, and all translation is imperfect.
Knowledge without action, is like having no knowledge at all!
There is nothing more exciting than having a life devoted to fundamental knowledge and to contributing to advance the borders of knowledge.
We have artists with no scientific knowledge and scientists with no artistic knowledge and both with no spiritual sense of gravity at all, and the result is not just bad, it is ghastly.
In the end we can never be given knowledge by others; we can only be stimulated. We must develop our own knowledge.
The fact that these scientific theories have a fine track record of successful prediction and explanation speaks for itself. (Which is not to say that I don't directly discuss the work of those philosophers who would disagree.) But even if we grant this, many will argue that scientific knowledge in humans, and, indeed, reflective knowledge in general, is quite different in kind from the knowledge we see in other animals.
We need to manage holistically, embracing all of our science and traditional knowledge - all sources of knowledge. We can do that from the household to government to international relations.
Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish knowledge.
War makes monsters of men, you once said to me Todd. Well, so does too much knowledge. Too much knowledge of your fellow man, too much knowledge of his weakness, his pathetic greed and vanity, and how laughably easy it is to control him.
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