Top 1200 Wind Turbines Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Wind Turbines quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Where I fit genre-wise, it's hard to tell. It's a fickle wind. But I have to believe there's always going to be a place for the songs inside of me.
I enjoy the independence of single-handling a boat. I like controlling the elements, making the wind and the waves and the water work for me.
Not only does the wind of accidents stir me according to its blowing, but I am also stirred and troubled by the instability of my attitude. — © Michel de Montaigne
Not only does the wind of accidents stir me according to its blowing, but I am also stirred and troubled by the instability of my attitude.
Are you aware that people who oppose Vladimir Putin wind up dead all over the world, poisoned, shot in the back of the head?
The moon twangs its silver strings; The river swoons into town; The wind beds down in the pines, Covers itself with stars.
Know when to tune out, if you listen to too much advice you may wind up making other peoples mistakes.
The clouds are scudding across the moon, A misty light is on the sea; The wind in the shrouds has a wintry tune, And the foam is flying free.
Twelve states in the Great Plains have a wind energy potential greater then the electric use of our entire nation.
The seasons do not push one another; neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in their own good time.
What you find is, you have to deliver a product that has value to the customer. When you do, and I think the wind community is getting much closer to that, customers will want it.
Be praised, O my Lord by Brother Wind, By air and cloud and every clime To whom Thou givest sustenance unto their kind.
The harvest of the Lord’s field is seldom ripened by sunshine only. It must go through its days of wind, rain and storm.
See yonder little cloud, that, borne aloft So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away Over the snowy peaks! — © Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
See yonder little cloud, that, borne aloft So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away Over the snowy peaks!
If you are bitter, you are like a dry leaf that you can just squash, and you can get blown away by the wind. There is much more wisdom in forgiveness.
If death is this brilliant slide, this high, fine music felt as pure vibration, this plunging float in wind and silence, it's not so bad.
Some young folks have wind-fall minds, prematurely detached from the tree of knowledge for a life-long sourness and pettiness.
Southward with fleet of ice Sailed the corsair Death; Wild and fast blew the blast, And the east-wind was his breath.
The first thing you do when you get out to center field is put up your finger and check the wind chill factor.
But grace can be the experience of a second wind, when even though what you want is clarity and resolution, what you get is stamina and poignancy and the strength to hang on.
Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
Wind ought to be a verb or an adverb. It isn't really anything. It's a manner of movement of warmth and cold: a kind of information system of the air.
I may be 80, but I intend to keep acting until the day I die. Instead of slowing down, I've discovered my second wind.
When the thick layers of dark clouds occupy the sky, if there is no wind at all to sweep them away, start blowing with courage and belief
I wish to be an inspector of volcanoes. I want to study cloud formations and memorize the wind and learn by heart the habits of the ponderosa pine.
To Southerners like my mother, 'Gone With the Wind' was not just a book; it was an answer, a clenched fist raised to the North, an anthem of defiance.
You never conquer a mountain. You just stand on the top a few moments. Then the wind blows your footprints away.
The wind bit hard at Valley Forge one Christmas. Soldiers tied rags on their feet. Red footprints wrote on the snow...
Those things interest me a lot in songwriting - the human nature of how people think, and the muck that we wind up in.
That night the wind was howling almost like a wolf and there were some real wolves off to the west giving it lessons.
He was a specialist in Feng Shui; that is to say, he was consulted as to the correct ubication and orientation of houses and temples, in relation to the spirits of wind and water.
Dylan captured what was on a million minds and turned it into poetry. With 'Blowin' in the Wind' or 'The Times They Are A-Changin',' he set a whole new standard.
The fact remains that we are invited to forget ourselves on purpose, cast our awful solemnity to the wind, and join in the general Dance.
Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!
I always wanted to be a writer. In the beginning, I thought I had to rewrite 'Gone with the Wind,' but eventually, I found my way and realized that wasn't me.
Long cold nights mark November's return, grey rains fall, wind walks in the bronze oak leaves.
There are spiders living comfortably in my house while the wind howls outside. They aren't bothering anybody. If I were a fly, I'd have second thoughts, but I'm not, so I don't.
When you do try to picture the boys who do ask you out, they're absolutely featureless, like old carvings eroded by centuries of rain and wind.
Okay, first rule of this carpool. No breaking wind in my car. The only gas that Bernie Mac want to be smelling is unleaded. — © Bernie Mac
Okay, first rule of this carpool. No breaking wind in my car. The only gas that Bernie Mac want to be smelling is unleaded.
Well, you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind. You don't pull on the mask of old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Jim.
Dream Song of Thunders: Sometimes I go about pitying Myself, While I am carried by the wind Across the sky.
I lost my eyes In east wind skies Here's where I've cried Where I've tried Where God and the Tendaberry rise Where Quakers and revolutionaries Join for life
Pictures that will live on for years, like 'The Birth of a Nation' and 'Gone With the Wind,' had great historical events in the background.
The wind, Tempestuous clarion, with heavy cry, Came bluntly thundering, more terrible Than the revenge of music on bassoons.
Read your own obituary notice; they say you live longer. Gives you second wind. New lease of life.
The wind is us-- it gathers and remembers all our voices, then sends them talking and telling through the leaves and the fields.
It is a blessing. When I first got wind of [Chris Rivers] taking the rap thing serious and wanting to make a career out of it.
There are no limits to either time or distance, except as man himself may make them. I have but to touch the wind to know these things.
When women age into their power, no wind can upset them, no hand turn aside their knowledge, no fact can deflect their point of view. — © Louise Erdrich
When women age into their power, no wind can upset them, no hand turn aside their knowledge, no fact can deflect their point of view.
Sun and wind and beat of sea, Great lands stretching endlessly... Where be bonds to bind the free? All the world was made for me!
When the wind blows through a wood, its mass is cut and closed by every leaf, forming a train of jittery vortices in the air.
Artificial pitches are just one more condition for us, like sun, wind or snow; we should be able to deal with such conditions.
The ocean . . . cold and wild the surf, rushing in to overwhelm the beach, the wind, stinging my cheeks, enveloping me in total freedom.
The lush green of the fields became a rich gold that swayed sturdily under the wind and fell at last before the hands of the reapers.
And indeed, what is better than to sit by one's fireside in the evening with a book, while the wind beats against the window and the lamp is buring?
When the wind blows across the various continents, it does not bring with it the nationalities of the countries through which it passes. So likewise with Life.
Romantic love is the kite that catches the wind and tenaciously heads for the sky; wisdom is the string that tugs downward, holding it back
I give you the end of a golden string, Only wind it into a ball, It will lead you in at Heaven's gate Built in Jerusalem's wall.
There's not a wind but whispers of thy name; And not a flow'r that grows beneath the moon, But in its hues and fragrance tells a tale Of thee, my love.
Sometimes, when the wind hits hard and icicles form on the sea cliffs, we can all come together - and at those times, we are at our best.
You are not enclosed within your bodies, nor confined to houses or fields. That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with the wind.
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