Top 1200 Working All The Time Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Working All The Time quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
I've been singing since I was 8 years old and working in clubs since I was 14. I've been working full time since I was 16.
I've been working hard. I'm working on my wrestling, grappling more and I'm always working on my cardio.
I'm working from home a lot. That's very unusual because I'm away a lot, sometimes working on the other side of the world for long periods of time. So, it's hard to manage in the sense that I want to be the best dad I can be but it's almost harder when you have your kids outside the door.
I've met a few people in my time who were enthusiastic about hard work. And it was just my luck that all of them happened to be men I was working for at the time.
Working a model liberated me from ever having to hold a day job. I transitioned from doing that to working full-time as an artist. If you're 19 and living cheap, being an artist model can sustain you. I dropped out of college at 21 and my illustration hadn't yet taken off. It is more than working in a store. It is a hard way to make a living but you earn more than in a similarly unskilled job.
It was quite emotional leaving 'Holby' but it was the right time. I was working long hours and wanted to spend more time with my daughter.
I'm drawn as well to the lower echelons of things because it struck me a long time ago that it didn't really matter on what level people were working on anything; it was just as important to them as the people working on what's perceived as a higher level.
I'm not a home-studio guy. I spend a lot of time working by myself developing songs, but I really need some other counterpart to help me pull it all together, because you go nuts working if I had to finish an entire project all within my own head.
I loved working with him [Justin Chadwick]. He was very smart in how he assembled the people around him and had a crew that he knew very well. He was very comfortable on the set and I never felt that I was working with a first-time filmmaker.
There's more of a family connection when you're working on a TV show. That's not to say that you don't make great connections when you're working on films, but it's different unless you're there working every day.
I'm a big cardio guy. I love spinning, and I do that seven to eight times a week because I have time. What else am I going to do? I don't have a hobby. I don't play golf; I don't restore cars; and I don't have a fixer-upper house that I'm working on. So basically, my day is built around just working out. That's what I enjoy doing.
In my case, I was born to parents who were very young, and I don't think they were entirely ready to have a child. My dad was going to college and working two or three jobs at the same time, and my mum was working and going to school.
I'd started working when I was 21 and had been very determined about my career, very focused, even as a little kid, so it was something I had been working at for a long time.
I don't like to criticize music and I had a really hard time picking out the song I hate for this because I end up seeing and working with musicians all the time. — © Margaret Cho
I don't like to criticize music and I had a really hard time picking out the song I hate for this because I end up seeing and working with musicians all the time.
You can't be a great mum and work the whole time necessarily; those two things aren't ideal. We have an awful lot to work on and to debate about in relation to our working lives, because it isn't working for a lot of people, particularly for a lot of women.
It was a pleasure working with Q Entertainment. I don't focus on working with one company but rather with multiple companies, and I look forward to working with others.
Mothers always find ways to fit in the work - but then when you're working, you feel that you should be spending time with your children and then when you're with your children, you're thinking about working.
But in the end, mastery involves working and working and showing little improvement, perhaps with a few moments of flow pulling you along, then making a little progress, and then working and working on that new, slightly higher plateau again. It's grueling, to be sure. But that's not the problem; that's the solution.
My partner, Nik, is a full-time dad and I am working on Phenomenal full time. Nik was in tech forever, but he decided to take some time to think about his next steps after we had our second child.
For a long time I was cautious of working with my parents because I wanted to feel separate from them in the community. Now there's no more wasting time.
I've done a lot of basketball drills, not a whole lot of competitive stuff. I have basically been in the gym everyday working on my game, working on the time off that I've had from the game, just getting myself prepared mentally and physically for the season.
When I first started acting, I was actually working with the National Youth Theatre in London doing anti-knife crime workshops, so I was listening to a lot of music that was around us all the time, around the guys I was working with, and the kids - lots of young grime artists from London.
I think I know I've been working very hard for the family business, sometimes those days are long days and I think if I know I'm working hard and pulling my weight, both working and playing hard at the same time, I think everyone who I work with can see I am there pulling my weight.
We are informing the media about decisions taken by BCCI from time to time. We are trying to be more transparent and accountable in our working.
I work all the time, and I'm basically in the office from the time I wake up and then working until I go to sleep every day. — © Elizabeth Holmes
I work all the time, and I'm basically in the office from the time I wake up and then working until I go to sleep every day.
I'm so an all-or-nothing person in dating, always. I'm big on not wasting time. And so, yeah, if something's not working, it's time to not hold people back.
'Let's Get Harry' was where I met Bob Singer and worked with him for the first time, and then 'Reasonable Doubts' was the second time, and there was a thing after that called 'Charlie Grace' that was the third time. I liked working with Bob. A nice man and a good partner.
I consider myself a fortunate working actor, but I really work at it all the time. If I have a couple of weeks off, I'm taking class. You never stop. I started when I was 10 years old in Cleveland, and I've never stopped working my butt off.
I'm going to be working on my shot. Working on extending my range. Keep working on everything, and really studying the game.
I really need to work. People think that I'm no longer interested in acting and only interested in working with the animals. Obviously I have given that impression, but it is not how I feel. I think I'm a good actor. I think I look OK. I don't understand why I'm not working all the time.
I spent a lot of time hacking, doing all this stuff, building websites, building communities, working all the time, and then a lot of time drinking, partying, and hanging out. And I had to choose when to do which.
I've been working, working, working, and you know, sometimes you look back at your work and you see that it just isn't any good.
Michael Flynn is the national security adviser working next to the president, so in his time that he was the national security adviser, he is working in the White House. He should have access to the information.
I spent a long time working in restaurants and making no money. It was very character-building, but I think it could have been built in a shorter time. — © Graham Norton
I spent a long time working in restaurants and making no money. It was very character-building, but I think it could have been built in a shorter time.
I've had wonderful collaborators. They're very different, just as actors are. Working on a show with Nathan Lane is different from working on a show with Chita Rivera. It keeps you on your toes because it's different every time.
I wasn't taking drugs or drinking. I was working and working and working. But I wasn't writing anything.
When you're working with somebody else in that kind of way, you always have to have these guidelines to what you're doing - especially when you're working with your sibling. But when you're working by yourself you're free to do whatever you like.
The mind is a vagrant thing ... Thinking is not analogous to a person working in a laboratory who invents something on company time. Answering criticism that the book for which he won a Pulitzer Prize was written in the years he had been employed at the Smithsonian. He specified that did not write on the premises there, but only at home outside of working hours.
Moral values includes the immorality of 45 million uninsured or the immorality of working people who are having trouble raising a family despite working full-time. That has to be part of the moral equation. And if we are able to frame things in that fashion, then I think we can be successful.
My absolutely favorite time of working on a project is the time I spend not knowing what it is. Because the longer you live inside that period, the likelier you are to discover something new.
You can never not feel like that, as a working artist these days. It's funny - time off makes me nervous, but so does time on. At least the pressure wasn't coming from outside.
There are 168 hours in a week, and even if you're working out two, three, four, or five times a week for an hour, you're still not working out at least 95 to 98 percent of the week. So it's what you do during that time that's far more impactful than what you do in the gym.
I have always had a very busy life. The difference is that a lot more people are helping advise me what to do, and a lot more people are observing what I do. But in terms of time and working schedule, it is not that different from my normal working week.
I'm working all the time. When I'm home I try to split my time evenly between resting and preparing for another tour, and writing stuff.
I was working at Papa John's full-time. I had just quit my part-time job at UPS. I was there for two years.
The time that I devote to painting is not a lot of time, but I do it 100 percent while I am working, and then there's nothing else that counts.
All of a sudden to get all of this attention, and to be away from home and working all the time was hard. I was on planes all the time. I didn't see my friends. I cried a lot. It was quite terrifying.
More eyes on the court is better than just two eyes. There's always a time for one voice. But when the guys are working, I believe in those guys working and making the players better. Hands-on.
Whatever he does should be seen as working at the Presidency and if he goes to Colorado for Christmas, it should be for a minimum amount of time, the family tradition and family get-together aspect emphasized, and it be seen as a working vacation.
We spent a lot of time together and had a great time with Mary Tyler Moore. And just working with her was like improv. — © Dick Van Dyke
We spent a lot of time together and had a great time with Mary Tyler Moore. And just working with her was like improv.
If someone thinks, 'I'll spend the off season working on my fitness and I'll come back a better cricketer,' I don't think that's enough. You need to spend a lot of time working on your skills and honing your skills.
Every time I meet people working in radio, I'm a little embarrassed. It's all pre-programmed, rigidly formatted stuff. Time and time again, when I talk to jocks, they say how jealous they are of the freedom we have on WKRP. I sometimes have to explain to them that it's not a real radio station.
It really isn't anybody's business how many people we have working for us. What's offensive is that I'm portrayed as this prima donna with these sycophants telling me how great I am all the time. Yes, they do work for me, but we're working together for a higher good.
In our country, there must be two time zones to save working hours. Why we don't have it, I have been talking about this issue for a long time.
I don't like just traveling in for a short time. I've done that before, because sometimes you work for magazines and they have a budget, and if you're working for them, they want something by a certain time.
I always tell reporter that you always have to be working. If you are at a party you can have a good time but if you hear something talking about something new or different that's going on you have to be working. In this business to be at the top of your game you really can't unplug.
I'm the Chairman Emeritus, and according to my contract I am supposed to devote 10% of my time to working for Marvel... and the rest of my time, I can do anything that I wish.
One thing I learned working at the Brooklyn Navy Yard was to be on time. If the day begins at 8 A.M., be there early, get there, punch the time clock; don't just stand there like an oaf.
The studio is really fun because I don't make it into the studio unless I've got something I really like. I love working with different musicians in the studio; that's a real joy, working with someone for the first time.
Throughout my 20s it was all about achieving and working as hard as possible. To the point that you don't think twice about working in a music studio with no windows from 11 to 11. And you don't bat an eyelid if you fly four times a week and do promo in a different city each time.
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