A Quote by Vidya Balan

Weight used to be an issue. I was always fat as a child. And everyone used to tell me, 'You've got such a pretty face; why don't you lose some weight?' Over the years I've realised that my body is a certain type, and I have learned to accept it.
Weight used to be an issue. I was always fat as a child. And everyone used to tell me, Youve got such a pretty face; why dont you lose some weight? Over the years Ive realised that my body is a certain type, and I have learned to accept it.
I was fat, so I have the right to tell other fat people not only that they should lose weight, but also that they must lose weight because I was fat, and I lost weight, and I saw the difference.
My ex used to tell me that I needed to lose weight. Bear in mind I have a wheat allergy and I'm a coeliac! I'm constantly ill and it's like, how the hell do you tell someone like that they need to lose weight off their belly?
If someone had to lose weight, I would tell that person to lose weight. Lose some weight, why can't you take care of yourself. When I say this, the person might think, 'Look who's talking,' but I would reply, 'I'm a boy and you're a girl.'
When Denzel [Washington] first called me on the phone after we'd just done a reading of the film ["Fences"]. He said, "Oh Viola it was so good, wasn't it?! I'm gonna tell Russell [Hornsby] to lose a little bit of weight and..." I was just sitting there thinking, why is he calling me? And I told him, "Denzel don't you tell me to lose weight!" He said, "I'm not telling you to lose weight! I can't believe you would say that."
People are always going to tell you to lose weight, and they tell you how they feel about it. There are pressures always to be a certain weight, but you have to be who you are. And if you want to change, you have got to do it for you and not for what people want you to be.
I could tell when I first started having sessions with stylists that my size was an issue. No one outright told me to lose weight but I knew it was a problem. I started to lose weight when I began touring.
I used to watch Oprah Winfrey, and whenever she used to lose weight, I used to be like, 'How's she losing it? What is she doing?' But it's all about education and knowledge, feeding yourself and knowing that too much carbs is what gets us fat.
MYOB - mind your own body. It's important because I don't happen to have the kind of body that we usually see on television and in films. I am plus-size. I have dark skin. And I am 100 percent beautiful. But I get a lot of flak - oh, you should lose weight. And now that I have lost weight - and I lost weight for health reasons - I get, you look good but don't lose too much weight because your face is starting to sink in.
I was raised to be self-conscious about weight. Then as I got older and started doing television, it became a career issue, like, 'You have to lose weight or you'll lose that job.'
I used to be a very, very heavy weight lifter. I weighed about 210, 215. And I used to put a lot of weight on my back. I squatted over 500 pounds.
I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to lose weight. It wasn't until I joined Weight Watchers that I was finally able to do it. I went to meetings and my son came with me. The best thing was that I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight. Slow and steady, I was getting my pre-pregnancy body back.
I never planned to lose weight. Even when I was born the doctor credited me as an overweight child in the ward. At school too, I was awarded a prize for maximum weight. So it was never like, that being fat was in fashion and I suddenly decided to get it.
I used to be really cute. I could send you earlier photos where I'm stunning. But I've gained about twenty pounds over the past two years, and the more weight I've put on, the more success I've had. If you drew a diagram of weight gain and me getting more work, a mathematician would draw some conclusions from that.
I wanted to lose weight when it was my time to lose weight, not because someone's calling me out for it. I've been called the Fat Kardashian Sister for the past ten years. But I could have gone and gotten gastric [bypass surgery] or done liposuction or whatever and I did not feel the need to do that, and I didn't think - I sincerely didn't think anything was "wrong with me."
The really hard moment was when my dad said, 'Honey, if an agent is telling you to lose weight, then maybe you should lose weight.' I was 15, standing in our living room, having a moment I will never forget. I never had a parent tell me to lose weight, and it hurt.
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