Top 139 Poking Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Poking quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Even the best psychiatrist is like a blindfolded auto mechanic poking around under your hood with a giant foam "We're #1" finger.
Athletes don't have much use for poking around in their childhoods, because, introspection doesn't get you anywhere in a race.
It is not caving in to the bees to stop poking a stick into their hive. — © Llewellyn Rockwell
It is not caving in to the bees to stop poking a stick into their hive.
I tried to pretend that I was sitting in the stands with a buddy watching the game - poking him in the ribs when something exciting happened.
I collect flickering stars in old pickling jars, poking holes in the lids so they can breathe.
As I would soon learn myself, cleaning up what a parent leaves behind stirs up dust, both literal and metaphorical. It dredges up memories. You feel like you're a kid again, poking around in your parents' closet, only this time there's no chance of getting in trouble, so you don't have to be so sure that everything gets put back exactly where it was before you did your poking around. Still, you hope to find something, or maybe you fear finding something, that will completely change your conception of the parent you thought you knew.
Revitalizing General Motors is like teaching an elephant to tap dance. You find the sensitive spot and start poking.
I like poking my nose into other people's lives.
I have nothing wrong with comics and writers poking fun at the President, as long as it's funny. When it's the same retread jokes with predictable punchlines, that's when it's offensive.
And I felt a sudden whirl in my head, knowing this leap was inevitable, that I wasn't just standing on the cliff, toes poking over, but already in mid-air.
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. It is a seeking that he who wishes may know the cosmic secrets of the world and they that dwell therein.
I started out poking fun at this YouTube thing.
I think the average American, if they go to the workplace, somebody's next to 'em, they're not poking around trying to figure out what their religious beliefs are. — © Barack Obama
I think the average American, if they go to the workplace, somebody's next to 'em, they're not poking around trying to figure out what their religious beliefs are.
There's an attraction to emotional clusters or hypocrisies or awkwardness. A desire to expose something or point at something that's already poking out.
Some people have told me that I'm grumpy; it's not something that I'm aware of. It's not like I walk around poking children in the eye... not very small ones, anyway.
The batsman's technique was like an old lady poking her umbrella at a wasp's nest.
There are a lot of new opportunities that are poking their head up in my future. I've been very fortunate that way, but for right now, what I like is what I'm doing.
Dad, one of my first memories is of sharing my worry with you about the space shuttle poking holes in the atmosphere and letting out all of Earth's air.
I wanted to write 'In Harm's Way' from the young men's point of view of being in a raft, or hanging in a life vest with just their nose poking above the water.
I love poking fun at myself. I have a rather mean sense of humor.
Go on,” he said in a low tone that was a dare. “Keep on poking the hungry wolf, see how naked it gets you.
As women gain weight, they start judging themselves. But who cares! Embrace what you have. Say, 'Belly, you might be poking out today, but I'm going to choose to love you and nurture you.'
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.
Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks
The universe was bad enough without people poking it.
I guess there's a certain amount of poking fun at certain characters, but that's because there is something amusing about them or about the way they behave, so I guess you can say that that's poking fun at the character. But the character is your own invention, so who cares?
The result is ... that there's no room left in the world for the weird – though plenty for crude, contemptuous, wisecracking, fun-poking imitations of it.
I love poking and looking for things for the house, so I make a great many trips to Mexico.
Despite being a classical musician, I keep poking my nose in other genres of music.
Poking fun at other people's beliefs, while it may seem frivolous and offensive, is a non-negotiable right. It is a principle that underpins free speech, the basis for progress.
Being a woman in music was fine, but when I wanted to direct, I was poking my head into a man's world.
Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too much poking.
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'.
Deliberately causing mayhem in Snape's Potions class was about as safe as poking a sleeping dragon in the eye.
I still have this deep-down fear that if I go poking into the bushes I might find a dead body.
I'm a great admirer of 'The Simpsons.' It's very surprising because it's backed by a right-wing television company in the U.S., and quite often it's poking fun at the people who would be its audience.
The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus and a chair that's not obtained from Craigslist that keeps poking into his back.
I enjoy upsetting the right people. I love poking fun at earnest censors. I want to push the bounds of what can be said on the Internet. — © Milo Yiannopoulos
I enjoy upsetting the right people. I love poking fun at earnest censors. I want to push the bounds of what can be said on the Internet.
The journalists are poking me all the time. It's impossible for me to stop even I want to.
People who like my stuff and know what my agenda is have never mistaken me for being racist or poking fun at the wrong thing.
My only memories of school are of being beaten, of being hit in the playground, of masters poking their fingers in my chest all day.
As you get older, your mind gets a little more set. And it needs the poking and prodding and breaking through of stereotypes that I think young people provide.
I think that what comes through in Chicago humor is the affection. Even though you're poking fun at someone or something, there's still an affection for it.
I'm not afraid of poking fun at myself.
I was poking fun at myself most of all.
I like antagonizing the audience, poking at them.
When you're a writer, sometimes you have to spend time poking at a part of yourself that normal, sane people leave alone.
As I understand it, triangulation is the idea that you demonstrate to some set of swing voters that you are politically palatable by poking the extremes of both parties in they eyes.
People should stop poking fun at other people and worry about themselves. — © Pauly Shore
People should stop poking fun at other people and worry about themselves.
In general, I probably have a shy nature. So the idea of poking out with my music is probably not something I want to do.
The fundamental essence of science, which I think we've lost in our education system, is poking something with a stick and seeing what happens. Embrace that process of inquiry.
Washington is nothing if not an orchard of absurdities, and poking fun at power brokers is neither sex blind nor for the faint of heart.
My idea of a good time abroad is to visit someone's house and hang out, poking into their cupboards if they will let me.
Any man who barely sustains an armistice with himself has no business poking around in an alien soul.
Even when someone fails, there's never an underlying nastiness or cruelty. We're an affectionate show and we're not poking fun at anyone. Strictly' is feel-good television at its finest.
It would be ugly to watch people poking sticks at a caged rat. It is uglier still to watch rats poking sticks at a caged person.
We don't want other people poking into our artistic pie.
I don't want people poking around in my private stuff. They've no business in it. My work is what I give to people, that's my job, and that's where it stops.
...poking a lump of red Jello that jiggles outrageously, like a breast I once knew.
When you're playing for 30 people and you're jumping around stage, screaming, getting in peoples faces and acting cocky you're kind of poking fun at yourself.
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